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信息来源:日本理化学研究所 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-03-08 09:44


日本理化学研究所RIKEN(RIkagaku KENkyusho/Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)简称理研,属于文部科学省。是日本资本主义之父涩泽荣一于1917年设立的大型自然科学研究机构。二战期间曾为日本核研究的研究机构。

Seeking A Few Senior Scientists, Research Scientists Or Postdoctoral Researchers (R-Ccs2333) (Computational Materials Science Research Team)

Universities and Institutes of Japan


February 02, 2025


Offerd Salary:Negotiation


Working address:N/A

Contract Type:fixed-term employmen

Working Time:Negotigation

Working type:N/A

Ref info:N/A

15 Feb 2024

Job Information




Administrative Support Office

Research Field








Information science

Computer science

Researcher Profile

Recognised Researcher (R2)



Application Deadline

2 Feb 2025 - 23:59 (UTC)

Type of Contract


Job Status

Not Applicable

Hours Per Week

See description

Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme

Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description

Background of the recruitment and description of the project Background of the recruitment and description of the project Research Field The RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS), led by Center Director Satoshi Matsuoka, is an international hub for computational science that promotes “science of computing, by computing, and for computing.” R-CSS positions the technology in which RIKEN has strengths (R-CCS technology) and the software developed by RIKEN that contributes to science, technology, industry, and society (R-CCS software) as its “core competence in computational science driving science as a whole.” R-CCS aims to develop these technologies, disseminate them domestically and internationally, and produce results. In addition, R-CCS is utilizing its expertise to operate the supercomputer “Fugaku” which was developed as a national project in accordance with Japanese laws and regulations.

One of our main focuses is to develop state-of-the-art numerical methods for simulating ground states as well as quantum dynamics of strongly correlated quantum systems. In addition, we are exploring new computing paradigms as a grand challenge for information science. In particular, we are engaged in research and development of quantum computing for simulating quantum many-body systems, and of quantum computational simulations using classical computers.

details of the business RIKEN is Japan's largest and most comprehensive research organization for basic and applied science.

Work content and job description In accordance with the research project of NEDO “Research and Development of Quantum-Supercomputer Hybrid Computing Platform for Exploring Computable Regions” (PI: Mitsuhisa Sato (RIKEN), Research Period: November 2023 – October 2028), the following item(s) will be carried out in collaboration with other project members: (i) research and development of quantum computing simulations using methods such as tensor network for the quantum-HPC hybrid computing platform, (ii) research and development of the optimization of quantum-HPC hybrid computing programs such as error suppression and mitigation methods, as well as quantum circuit optimization techniques, (iii) research and development of quantum-HPC hybrid applications mainly focusing quantum many-body systems, and verification of the effectiveness of the quantum-HPC hybrid computing platform developed in this project.

The job description may be changed during the contract period or upon contract renewal to the extent described above.

Assigned department Existing departments

Work location Address 650-0047 Hyogo 7-1-26, Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe RIKEN Center for Computational Science Or 〒351-0198 Saitama 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi RIKEN Center for Computational Science RIKEN has implemented a work-from-home system. Employees can work from home in accordance with the prescribed procedures. RIKEN may order the employee to change work locations, if necessary.

Number of hired Number of hired:1 person(s) Number of hired description:Job title: Senior Scientists, Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers: few positions Job content supplemental explanation:Start of Employment: at the earliest opportunity (subject to negotiation)

RequirementsAdditional Information


Compensation Annual salary:3 million yen Wages description:Salary will be an annual salary based on experience, ability, and performance, and will consist of a base salary and a variable salary. The variable salary will be determined each fiscal year based on experience, ability, and performance. The monthly base salary is 300,000 JPY for Postdoctoral Researcher, 426,500 JPY for Research Scientist, and 476,000 JPY for Senior Scientist as of April 1, 2024. The monthly base salary and variable salary are subject to change due to amendments to RIKEN regulations. Discretionary work, commuting and housing allowances will be provided. Social insurance will be applied.

The approximate amount of annual salary at the time of employment: The monthly salary including discretionary work allowance at the time of employment will be more than 420,000 JPY for Postdoctoral Researcher, 550,000 JPY for Research Scientist, and 600,000 JPY for Senior Scientist. Working hours:09:00-17:20 Break time:12:00-12:50 Holidays :Days off include public holidays, New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 - Jan 3), and RIKEN Foundation Day. Paid leave includes annual paid leave (up to 20 days per year depending on the month of employment), special paid leave (childcare, family nursing care, etc.), and work-life balance holidays (up to 7 days per year depending on the month of employment). Overtime and other explanations:This position falls under the specialized duties discretionary work system; one working day will be calculated as 7 hours and 30 minutes. Employment type:Contract employee Employment type description:Senior Scientist, Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher Contract period:Nontenured Contract period description:1.One-year fixed-term employment contract, renewable based on evaluation, but not beyond the end of October, 2028. 2.RIKEN may adjust the above maximum period of renewability based on a) the employee's abilities, work load at the time of contract completion, performance and work attitude and b) the continuation of the employee's center, laboratory or project and RIKEN's management situation and budget at the time. In principle, employment contracts will not be renewed for individuals older than 70 years. RIKEN has indefinite-term positions, which are subject to the mandatory retirement age of 60. There is a subsequent re-employment program allowing hiring until age of 65. Any scientists, including fixed-term employees who have been hired through this open call, are eligible to apply to open calls for indefinite-term positions. Probationary period:Probationary period present Probationary period description:In principle, the first two months of employment is considered a trial period.

Various systems Pay increase system:Salary will be an annual salary based on experience, ability, and performance, and will consist of a base salary and a variable salary. The variable salary will be determined each fiscal year based on experience, ability, and performance. Transportation expenses:available Others:Mandatory membership in the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society (RIKEN Kyosaikai). There are also additional leave systems such as maternity leave, childcare leave, and family nursing care leave.

Insurance Employees' Health Insurance:available Employees' Pension Insurance:available Worker's accident insurance:available Employment insurance:available Others:available

Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace No smoking on site.

Supplementary explanation of compensation RIKEN has a work-from-home system, but this position requires attendance at the work location. Therefore, the work-from-home system is not available for this position. For more information, please get in touch with the hiring staff at kobe-jobs at riken.jp.

The Kobe Branch has an on-site daycare, Po-I Kids Kobe. For details, please send an email to the HR at kobe-kosei at riken.jp. The Wako Campus has an on-site daycare, RIKEN Kids Wako. For details, please send an email to the HR at kids at riken.jp.

RIKEN is actively undertaking initiatives to promote gender equality and diversity, and moving forward with the establishment of a diverse and vibrant research environment. If multiple candidates are found to have the same aptitude following a fair assessment, active efforts will be made to recruit female candidates.

Also, eligible for an exemption from repayment for category 1 scholarship loans provided by the Japan Student Services Organization before fiscal year 2003, and eligible applying for the MEXT Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi).

Additional comments

Handling Personal Data: Submitted documents are strictly protected under the RIKEN Privacy Policy and will be used only for the purpose of applicant screening at RIKEN. Personal information will not be disclosed, transferred or loaned to a third party under any circumstances without just cause.

・Application files will not be returned.

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available









Where to apply


https: // jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=0&ln=1&id=D124020045&lnjor=1












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