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信息来源:法国洛林大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-02-20 13:35



洛林大学(Université de Lorraine)是法国著名的公立综合性大学之一,于2012年1月1日由三所同类型的公立综合性大学和一所专业性较强的工程师学校重组合并而成: 南锡一大( Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy 1),南锡二大(Université de Nancy 2),梅斯大学(Université Paul Verlaine - Universite de Metz),国立洛林综合理工学院(INP Lorraine: Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine)。

Postdoc positions available at Université de Lorraine

Lorraine Université d’Excellence (LUE) is an initiative carried by Université de Lorraine, in association with CNRS, Inria, Inserm, INRAE, the Nancy campus of AgroParisTech, and Georgia-Tech Europe, and funded by the France 2030 program of investments for the future. LUE’s ambition over the next 10 years is to assert itself as a major world-class research university, with a core positioning in systemic engineering for a healthy planet.

To achieve this ambition, a major lever is to develop a sustainable interdisciplinary momentum that will enable the academic site to position itself on major societal and socio-economic challenges, both in research and in education. For that purpose, we will fund a few major interdisciplinary programs and projects; they will propose global directions to answer the following six major challenges:

The evolution of materials issues in the 21st century (from resource issues to those related to the circular economy, via metallurgy and new materials)

The ecological transition (One Earth)

The energy transition

The digital transition of industry and society

The global challenges of health in the 21st century, including the "One Health" systemic approach

Transitions in society

At this moment, a number of major interdisciplinary programs are currently emerging, led by groups of scientists from the Lorraine site, as well as smaller and more narrowly targeted projects, known as "IMPACT projects". For your information, here are the working titles of the proposals currently under consideration, and a contact person who can give more information on the proposal, if needed:

Advanced Research and Education on the biology, the Ecology, the Management and the biomonitorIng of forest Ecosystems in a changing world – contact person: Stéphane Uroz stephane.uroz@inrae.fr

Bioeconomy, Biomolecules Science and Engineering – contact person: Stéphane Desobry Stephane.Desobry@univ-lorraine.fr

Earth and Planetary Habitability – contact person: Simon Devin simon.devin@univ-lorraine.fr

Industry 4.0 – contact person: Hind El-Haouzi hind.el-haouzi@univ-lorraine.fr

Materials and Physics at the Ultimate Scale – contact person: Stephane Mangin stephane.mangin@univ-lorraine.fr

Metallurgy – Sustainable Development & Innovation to Conquer Industrial and technological Sovereignty – contact person: Benoit Appolaire benoit.appolaire@univ-lorraine.fr

Natural Language Processing & Humanities – contact person: Maxime Amblard maxime.amblard@univ-lorraine.fr

Sustainable supply of critical metals for energy and digital transitions – contact person:Alexandre Chagnes alexandre.chagnes@univ-lorraine.fr

Energy transition and decarbonization of the territories – contact person: Fabrice Lemoine fabrice.lemoine@univ-lorraine.fr

Comorbidities, Trajectories of lives and longevity – contact person: David Meyre david.meyre@univ-lorraine.fr

Fight against antibioresistance – contact person: Sophie Payot Lacroix sophie.payot@univ-lorraine.fr

Metamaterials for Engineering – contact person: Badreddine Assouar badreddine.assouar@univ-lorraine.fr

This call plans to recruit up to 10 international post-docs who can contribute to one or other of these projects.

The post-doctoral position should be for 24 to 30 months, and should bring a new and original momentum to the site, complementing existing strengths and enriching one of the existing emerging projects with highly original and exciting research objectives.

The aim of this call is to welcome young researchers who can contribute to one or other of the above projects in an original, and even unexpected, way in relation to the current mapping of skills present on the Lorraine site. There is therefore no predefinition of the host project, nor have the host projects predefined the topics on which they would be willing to host a postdoc.

The selection panel will take the following factors into account:

Scientific excellence of the applicant

Originality and relevance of the proposed scientific project

Contribution of the proposed project to one or several of the existing or emerging projects.

Compatibility of the candidate and his/her project with the site's research structures – in balance with the previous point, we still wish to recruit post-docs who fit naturally into an adequate research environment. Candidates are not, however, asked to pre-identify one single host research structure, although they are not forbidden to mention any links or knowledge they may have of the site's research groups.

Salary : from 2 271






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