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信息来源:日本京都大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2024-01-04 10:37


京都大学(英文:Kyoto University),简称京大,是本部位于日本京都市左京区的综合研究型国立大学。其是日本超级国际化大学计划(A类)、指定国立大学、学术研究恳谈会、研究大学强化促进事业、世界顶级科学研究中心计划、领先研究生院计划、日本海洋创新联盟、核能人才培养联盟、大学宇宙工学联盟、旧帝国大学、日欧JANET、日英RENKEI、东亚研究型大学协会、中日大学校长论坛成员。

Program-Specific Assistant Professor or Program-Specific Researcher

Kyoto University

[Job description]

1. Research on the structure-physics relationship of biopolymers such as natural rubber and spider silk, especially their structure-based physical properties during deformation processes.

Website of Numata Lab: http://pixy.polym.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index_en.html

2. Research on either a) microbiology for biopolymer synthesis or b) nitrogen fertilizer regarding the COI-NEXT (Center of Innovation NEXT) project.

Website of COI-NEXT project (Japanese only): https://www.zero-carbon.saci.kyoto-u.ac.jp/

3. Research on big database-driven material design and development, which is based on the Creation of Polymer Materials regarding MEXT Data generation and utilization materials research and development projects (DxMT).

Website of DxMT project (Japanese only): http://pixy.polym.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ku_numata/index.html


· The candidate should possess a doctoral degree (including prospective doctoral degree) in a related field, or have a research achievement equivalent to a doctoral degree.

· Generally, successful candidate is expected to have experience in the job description and speak and write English fluently.

· Generally, successful candidate is expected to have knowledge and expertise in one or more of the following areas:

polymer science, polymer structural analysis, polymer physics like rheology, chemical/biological syntheses of polymer (polypeptide), computational sciences and data sciences related to polymers/biomaterials/peptide/protein, synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, microbiology, biology of photosynthetic organisms, soil science, plant nutrition, and fertilizer development.

[Contract Start Date]

After January 1st, 2024 to March 31, 2024

* As early as possible (Negotiable)

* The employment contract is renewable until March 31, 2032 based on evaluation results.

[Probation period]

Six months in accordance with the regulations of Kyoto University

[Business hours]

Full-time employment in a discretionary work system, based on 7 hours, 45 minutes (8:30-17:15 work schedule with a one-hour break) per day, 38 hours 45 minutes per week.

Days off: Saturday, Sunday, National holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays, Foundation Day.


Any allowance such as commuting expenses, housing expenses, bonuses, etc. is not provided.

[Social insurance]

· Mext Mutual Aid Associations

· Employee’s pension insurance

· Employment insurance

· Worker’s accident insurance

[Referral Instructions]

Please submit the following PDF formatted application by email, with the subject “Job Application of Biomaterial Chemistry Laboratory from Science Career”.

(1) Complete CV (with photo and email address)

(2) List of research achievements

*Also attach ONE representative paper related to the position applied to.

(3) Previous research and future research plan (A4, 2 pages)

(4) Certificate of graduation for the highest level of education achieved or copy of said diploma

(5) A letter of recommendation from the PI of current laboratory

* A recommendation from a third party is allowed when it is difficult for the candidate to obtain a recommendation from the PI of current laboratory.

* The letter should be addressed to Keiji Numata.

(6) A work/research reference who can be contacted for an opinion (with affiliation and email address)

* If you have interrupted your educational/research activities due to childbirth, childcare, etc., you may state the period of interruption. If stated, it will be taken into consideration during the screening process.

Submit by email to:

numata.keiji.3n*kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)

Dept. Material Chemistry, Kyoto University

Prof. Keiji Numata


After the first screening (examination of application documents) successful, candidates will be contacted for an interview.

* Please note that any travel expenses incurred will not be reimbursed.


· We cannot answer questions about the selection process, or the reasons for acceptance or rejection. The submitted documents will be used only for recruitment screening. We will not disclose, transfer or lend these data to a third party without a justifiable reason. Please note that application documents will not be returned.

· Kyoto University promotes gender equality. We expect many female researchers to actively apply.

· During the period of interruption of educational/research activities due to childbirth or childcare, the applicant will be considered to have achieved the same level of performance as before and after the period of absence.

· To prevent passive smoking, Kyoto University prohibits smoking at indoors and outdoors at all campuses except for the designated smoking areas.


Dept. Material Chemistry, Kyoto University

Secretary: Yonetsu, Taniuchi

Email:numatalab_secretary*t.kyoto-u.ac.jp(Please replace * with @)








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